
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Spring has sprung - newborns galore

I love nothing more than a good newborn session.

Spring tis the season that they seem to boom. This year has seen an influx of boys in the studio.

Had a visit from a little 1 week old man today. Cute as a button, and teeny tiny too.

Nothing better than new life, the simplicity of it all, and the absolute pureness of a new baby.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Sister - The Machine.

My sister came up for her session in the studio today, and we did some work outdoors also.

Kirsten is a trainer with Crossfit Mornington Peninsula. Crossfit is a Strength and Conditioning program built on constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movement at high intensity.

Those of you that watch "The Biggest Loser" will know "The Commando", he is a Crossfitter also!

Her body has been 4 years of constant twice daily training, entering comps, and very strict eating.

Those of you that are interested in trying Crossfit can search Crossfit Mornington Peninsula on Facebook, they are located in Rosebud. Alternatively Crossfit have boxes all over Victoria and you can find more info on the net. Crossfit is for everyone, not just super fit people. Click this link to find out more Crossfit Mornington Peninsula

Anyway enough from me - enjoy the images below. You too could look like this!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

2 little babes and then came the Monster!

Sensation weather made for a perfect backdrop yesterday down by the sea. Blue skies, clean clear water, and 3 little people.

I had shot Zade as a newborn, and Evie at 3 months. Their mums are best mates, so these 2 would grow up very close and they are also 2 weeks apart in age.

Zade has a big brother - Koby..... I have done Koby twice before but only iin the studio. Stace and I spoke and thought he would do well outdoors, so he could run around and we could get some natural shots.

Well well well - he certainly didnt stop. But we were right in our thinking process, the outdoor shoot certainly suited him better, he was able to run around, eat sand, throw sand, try and launch jellyfish bombs at his mum and I, shampoo his hair with sand, run away into the construction site, streak and much much more.

I think poor Stace and Ben were exhausted afterward, but I'm pleased with the images we got, as compared to the studio ones with Kobz.

And Evie - my you have changed. Your gummy smile is divine.

Friday, November 4, 2011

5 Belles and 1 Bruiser.

After having to postpone several location shoots this week, I woke this morning to find grey skies again! Great another postponement was going to push me even further behind at this crazy time of year. Melbourne  - 4 seasons in a day! The rain held off, the session was scheduled for 5.30 and by 4.50 the sun had come out and it was perfect location weather! See 4 seasons!

So I was to meet up with Amy and her family and her brother in-laws family. All 10 of them for a big session.

2 Car Loads clambered out, I did a head count, and then I doubled back! 6 kids in total. 5 girls and 1 boy! Oh poor kid was surrounded by females! And yes I have sympathy for him, 3 out of 4 of mine are girls, so I feel his pain.

I told everyone I wouldn't remember names, so we started the session with lots of pointing. But somehow Trent the only boy got the name "Bruiser" and it stuck for the whole session.

Sun was warm and gorgeous, mozzies were out as usual, and we had a visit from a bullant too!

The session was a blast - Darren couldn't direct bubbles to save himself, Ally was the class clown, we started the session with tears because its not cool to put your arm around your sister, and we ended the session with the funniest goofiest shots that will end up as a Christmas Pressie for Nan and Pop!!!!

Enjoy your preview ...

Olivia - The Sleepiest little babe in the world

I had the pleasure of having Olivia come into the studio for a newborn session this morning. She was all of 13 days new, and had the most perfect round head ever seen on a little creature.

Mum had mentioned on the phone how cruisy she was and was hoping to get all those gorgeous sleepy shots she had seen me do with my other sessions.

Well Mum was right, I could of had a marching band walk through the studio and she still would of slept through it all. We could move her, disturb her, wrap her, change her, pose her all without a budge or noise from her.

Mum had mentioned she hadn't done a poo since she came home from hospital, and just before we started undressing her she decided to do one, so I think maybe she felt so good after getting rid of 13 days of breastmilk that she was happy to do whatever I wanted.

Dad Paul came along to help out, and he was by far the best assistant I've had. He was right on the ball when I needed a dummy, blanket, arm holding, eye closing or whatever else I needed, sometimes it those little things that make a great shoot, as sometimes I only have a split second to get that shot.

If only all newborns were that easy right?

Ollie finally entered the world.

I met Tam and Matt about 16 months ago when I did some newborn shots of their first born Miss Indi Lee. And Tam will agree with me when I say she is a photo addict, but when you see Indi you will see why, she is divine, and the biggest ham in front of the camera! She honestly loves it.

So when Tam announced that she was expecting bub number 2, I couldn't wait! Another gorgeous little human Kellett baby to go snap happy with.

Months dragged and dragged, Tam decided that her crocheting skills were worth something (only after I told her 50 billion times). So she spent the next 9 months hooking up a storm of new goodies for the little boy or girl inside.

Due Date came - Due Date gone.........

Waiting waiting waiting for that text! Felt like forever. But then waa-laa a facebook inbox reveals when bubs is coming, but now I had to keep the secret!

So finally the sunday came about and little Ollie made a very speedy entrance into the world.

And I got to meet him and take these images when he was 10 days old.... Indi was such a proud big sister too!

Good work Tam (and Matt, but really what does the male do except stand there and try to be reassuring!)

Ollie is awesome!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Finally found my field...

So I had been searching for what seemed like forever for the perfect field. I wanted something with flowers, long whispy grass, and a lanway close by. Never in my wildest dreams did i think I would find it!

Searched searched and searched again, drove around for what seemed like months on end!

Finally gave up!

Driving home from a session, stuck behind a slow sunday driver (even though it was a saturday)! And BOOM! There it was, on the side of the road, in between shops and a school!!!!!!!!

I could not believe it! So I scheduled my first session, the sun was absolute bliss, gold and perfect! And when I got there I discovered the laneway! Right through the middle of it. I'm sure god heard my plea and created it that day for me.

So my first clients to ever use it were 3 beautiful sisters and the kids. It was a hilarious session, we had a streaker (Sophie) and then my darling 3yr old woke up and decided to scream for the remainder of the session!!!!!

Glad I knew the girls prior to the session or I would have died.